Logic is basically all the best elements of kendrick drake and cole in one except better
KRIT was supposed to battle Chance so my brotha @Mac_Wit_Da_Cheese could redeem Chano on here but @saveme scrapped it
Didn’t even know it got scrapped
Logic, entire career
Eminem, post-2009
Oh u could play Relapse front to back and wash but if u did 2010- Logiv washes
Oh u could play Relapse front to back and wash but if u did 2010- Logiv washes
No Logic song should win over Rap God
1-800 vs. Stepdad
Booty heavy duty like diarrhea vz that weird line where Logic said he wishes he was bipolar so he could be like Kanye
Didn’t even know it got scrapped
I’ll figure someone to rep so you and Chano get your match
I know it hurt but u did good, ty for not letting me down
Take solace they are both still top 3 regardless
I appreciate u 🙏
The hits off recovery would get voted over logics best
They shouldn’t
They are bad
They shouldn’t
They are bad
Yeah yeah you was dancing in the mirror yo love the way you lie when you were 11 tough guy
Yeah yeah you was dancing in the mirror yo love the way you lie when you were 11 tough guy
I was 9 going on 10 and was very disappointed with that album in real time, have never liked it and I loved relapse
I was 9 going on 10 and was very disappointed with that album in real time, have never liked it and I loved relapse
They shouldn’t
They are bad
I hate Logic so much can't imagine him winning over any Recovery hit
How tf is Kendrick the undisputed champ on the site that apparently hates him so much lmfao
Just like irl the minority are the loudest when it comes to this nigga but the numbers still say he's hot regardless TO THIS DAY
I hate Logic so much can't imagine him winning over any Recovery hit
U like Recovery though