@Danny @Tilia etc tonight?
Depends on movie
Otherwise Imma continue Sopranos
It’s your pick
Sorry brother I wanted to join but i have someone coming over last min :(
Sorry brother I wanted to join but i have someone coming over last min :(
Have fun 😏
@Danny @Tilia etc tonight?
Still got a lot of s*** to do, sorry man! Should be able to pick it up again in the coming weeks though
For old times sake? @Marble @Tilia @Campari @sace @Mariminoz @BEBOP @Danny etc etc
For old times sake? @Marble @Tilia @Campari @sace @Mariminoz @BEBOP @Danny etc etc
Did you @ yourself Dennis?
For old times sake? @Marble @Tilia @Campari @sace @Mariminoz @BEBOP @Danny etc etc
Let's run it, I need a classic
Did you @ yourself Dennis?
I just copied a previous list man stop giving me s***!
For old times sake? @Marble @Tilia @Campari @sace @Mariminoz @BEBOP @Danny etc etc
Lmao, like you’re actually gonna join it’ll be 9 and it’ll be crickets form your part
Lmao, like you’re actually gonna join it’ll be 9 and it’ll be crickets form your part
I want you to see me, Marble. I'm here!