As a depressed black 20 something Cudi will always hold a special place with me regardless of any current antics
Hyyerr is a personal favorite non hit Cudi song of mine
Any personal favorite Lupe song of yours? @SwilloLoubeaux
As crazy as it sounds man, it’s probably either til I get there or mural
Another nuke
Save that for the tiebreaker round with this
Save that for the tiebreaker round with this
! this goes to tie breaker , I may do all of the lights
Welcome to heartbreak
And gorgeous
I’m joking
Cudi ain’t got no songs with KRIT is all I know
Like this @saveme
Poopé never went “mmmmmmmm”
if love. don't get played was this vz even worth it
i am happy to be aliveeeee
Cudi ain’t got no songs with KRIT is all I know
Like this @saveme
curious to see what you use that i didn't and vice versa lol
Bruh I looked up kid Cudi VZ on google because I forgot what we’ve done on here….
Who’s bright idea was to do the MOTM trilogy vs the f***ing COLLEGE DROPOUT trilogy
For All The Dogs link might be posted in here, TUNE IN
why his hand there
why his hand there
They don’t call him champagnepapi for no reason
For All The Dogs link might be posted in here, TUNE IN
"don't worry about him babe it's not worth it"
curious to see what you use that i didn't and vice versa lol
No Ye helps free a few spots for a few different songs I wanna see how they do in the VZ arena
The masses not realizing Lupe a street nigga is one of the funniest things in rap
The masses not realizing Lupe a street nigga is one of the funniest things in rap
Show me a street nigga who’s a Ronin
leaving this here as a reminder that lupe is still dropping heat this late into his career on the low, feeding his real fans
why is this song so smooth
what is he preparin for
cudi on the other hand
idgaf what anyone says this mf slap
what is he preparin for