WAV Files
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LMZbLD97338&pp=ygUOd2F2IGZpbGVzIGx1cGU%3DDumb It Down
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eU0gxS79ls8&pp=ygUTbWFkb25uYSBsdXBlIGZpYXNjbw%3D%3D&t=19sDumb it down should’ve been playedddd
Dumb it down should’ve been playedddd
Once the bigger Lupe nukes lost it didn’t matter lol
!https://youtu.be/_W3aA9AIqmsyou just liked me posting this!
Why no Show Goes On? Or is that song too overplayed now
I wasn’t gonna use any Lasers outside of I’m Beamin but people wanted a Lasers/SB2H round lol
you just liked me posting this!
My bad, it's more noticeable with the OG Cover
I wasn’t gonna use any Lasers outside of I’m Beamin but people wanted a Lasers/SB2H round lol
It would've been perfect for that finale round, haymaker vs haymaker
One of my absolute favorites
But I was going for the jugular
My bad, it's more noticeable with the OG Cover
Forsure forsure
It would've been perfect for that finale round, haymaker vs haymaker
Show Goes On is good but that beating Pursuit of Happiness would deserve a nasty award
I wasn’t gonna use any Lasers outside of I’m Beamin but people wanted a Lasers/SB2H round lol
I’m one of the very few that actually loves Lasers lmaoooo could be part nostalgia tho, lotta memories to that album tbh
Looks like Lupe is getting karma for The Light losing, charge it to the game
Good day for Common justice but sorry for the loss mate
I’m one of the very few that actually loves Lasers lmaoooo could be part nostalgia tho, lotta memories to that album tbh
Beautiful Lasers hits the feels hard
ain't nobody listening to mural all the way thru big dawg let's be honest with ourselves
I’ve said Mural was overrated from the jump and mfs jumped on me for that s***.
Good day for Common justice but sorry for the loss mate
I’m running away with the garbage title