Cool that op made this thread since mods and the site hate giving clarity around this stuff
Cool that op made this thread since mods and the site hate giving clarity around this stuff
Ngl I have a bit more respect for OP now
What happened to @el_senor
@Kriminel has been banned for crossdresser remark
@SlicedBread Where are you?
@SlicedBread Where are you?
@SlicedBread fr
Banned for spoiling the end of AOT in AOT thread
Banned for spoiling the end of AOT in AOT thread
@Joelembiidlover69 Banned for saying he would drink on a day dedicated to alcoholism recovery
@Joelembiidlover69 Banned for saying he would drink on a day dedicated to alcoholism recovery
So stupid he's taking the alcohol away from the former addicts he should be celebrated!!!
@veggiepablo missing
Where is this man
What happened to
@Bestowed @AllisonXO @Ignance_
Damn how you miss out on the legendary exit of Bestowed:
Starts on this page of this thread (classic):
More here:
Then dude goes out with an insane bang on this page: