Oh s*** you hosting again? Gonna settle in for another cheating and collusion masterclass
cheating and then cancellation master class
My first host since kanye and drake
Depends on whos listening
don't understand what you mean by spitta is more rawer lol
nobody as ill as wayne
cheating and then cancellation master class
My first host since kanye and drake
grown man
Spitta sounds like an entirely different person on this lol
Oh s*** you hosting again? Gonna settle in for another cheating and collusion masterclass
When I think raw,im talking about no punchlines or metaphors,every bar is literal,not how hard the bar was. Spitta is easily raw-er then Wayne in that sense
eh ok I get you. we all prolly got different views on what raw is
like in my eyes this is raw allllll the way through
Spitta sounds like an entirely different person on this lol
10/10 song, insta vote for me cuz idk any dom songs
I know one dom Kennedy song, the one with kendrick
We Ball or She Needs Me remix?
@AllisonXO @Kdogone who starting
Can y’all make the rounds longer, need time to listen to these two SoundCloud artists
Hol up this slap too, dear
10/10 song, insta vote for me cuz idk any dom songs
Dom has a song with Krit will love
give this guy some credit, alt accounts, fishy host, timed rounds. Really using a whole a bag of tricks to get his way out there
Hubie Brown Voice
Can y’all make the rounds longer, need time to listen to these two SoundCloud artists
13 minutes rounds
don't understand what you mean by spitta is more rawer lol
nobody as ill as wayne
Wayne got some bars/raps that make 0 sense(talking 09-till now)I understand why people like the metaphor/punchline tho
@AllisonXO @Kdogone who starting
I went first last time. So it's on @Kdogone
Wayne got some bars/raps that make 0 sense(talking 09-till now)I understand why people like the metaphor/punchline tho
everybody does tho
hol up one sec let me open all my alt tabs