cautiously in
drake stans cant be this desperate for a W, of course drake has bigger hits than pusha t ffs
Just vote for pusha every round
cautiously in
avi to post ratio
papis angels unite!
Someone @ all the vz fam
avi to post ratio
yello camille
if pusha wins this vz im gonna foam at the mouth
@ the Vz fam
if pusha wins this vz im gonna foam at the mouth
Will you avi turn evil again
Someone @ all the vz fam
Damn you supposed to be the tag guy
Need to see u host
So so soon!
Will you avi turn evil again
if u want it to presleyyy
The tag will come later
But i wanted someone to tag the vz fam right now
lets be real, push is the better rapper
I don’t understand by what metric
Come on, this one is just silly
Yeah we already saw push win
I don’t understand by what metric
coke bars
Someone @ all the vz fam