Why y’all doing Cole like this man?
top 3 talk
Future always was in the top 3 not Cole. Idk how it became Cole. I love some of Cole’s music but it cant hold a candle to future
Future always was in the top 3 not Cole. Idk how it became Cole. I love some of Cole’s music but it cant hold a candle to future
facts but idk
they let casuals run that convo and we ended with cole being on the top 3
facts but idk
they let casuals run that convo and we ended with cole being on the top 3
they’re just not tapped in
Euphoria got more likes then Drake and Cole combined
what is it we battling bots or alts
Euphoria got more likes then Drake and Cole combined
cole is a false statistic
Future always was in the top 3 not Cole. Idk how it became Cole. I love some of Cole’s music but it cant hold a candle to future
Cole was better than Future in the early 2010s