We need a surprise VZ where Vlonely is a surprise rep without his knowledge
I tried to do a Gorillaz vz NERD one a while back but it never came to fruition
I tried to do a Gorillaz vz NERD one a while back but it never came to fruition
Get it the planner thread once in a while and pitch any ideas you got!
Another Def Jam Vendetta classic
I tried to do a Gorillaz vz NERD one a while back but it never came to fruition
i can get u a date just this month
put this on the planner thread and @ me
I will get ur vz
F*** it. If I'm going out I might as well go out dancing lol
F*** it. If I'm going out I might as well go out dancing lol
F*** The whole industry
i mean thats cool af
U get the opportunity to participate in a thread where cool music gets played
and can get even more notifications
Yea sure but if I’m active on KTT when it’s going on I’ll prob see the thread popping in the music sxn, might click and participate if I’m interested in the artists
Usually don’t end up logging in and seeing the notification til hours after it’s over though lol just kinda annoying
@AllisonXO cytube?
Good game @Prez Meth and Red got the love they deserved
F*** it. If I'm going out I might as well go out dancing lol
They stole this beat from lil wayne
F*** it. If I'm going out I might as well go out dancing lol
an absolute f***ing classic
i can get u a date just this month
put this on the planner thread and @ me
I will get ur vz
Lemme see what days are looking good for me