@Prez to represent Old Ye
@giancito to represent New Ye
The VZ will be 20 rounds. First to 11 wins.
Please give both reps enough time to post their songs on the designated page to prevent any problems.
If it reachs 10-10, 3 songs will be used in the tiebreaker round.
ROUND 1: Diamonds From Sierra Leone VZ Gorgeous
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 2: Devil In A New Dress VZ Can't Tell Me Nothing
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 3: Through the Wire VZ Otis
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 4: Black Skinhead VZ This Way
New Ye wins!
ROUND 5: We Major VZ Niggas in Paris
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 6: Ultralight Beam VZ Heartless
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 7: Lollipop (Remix) VZ Hurricane
New Ye wins!
ROUND 8: Mercy VZ Flashing Lights
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 9: We Don't Care VZ NMPILA
New Ye wins!
ROUND 10: Blood On The Leaves VZ I Wonder
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 11: Run This Town VZ All Of The Lights
New Ye wins!
ROUND 12: New Slaves VZ Good Life
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 13: Get Em High VZ Life Of The Party
New Ye wins!
ROUND 14: Dark Fantasy VZ Touch the Sky
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 15: Jesus Walks VZ Runaway
New Ye wins!
ROUND 16: FSMH VZ Gold Digger
New Ye wins!
ROUND 17: Put On VZ Ghost Town
Old Ye wins!
ROUND 18: Power VZ Stronger
Old Ye wins!
Ye vs Ye
Old Kanye vs new Kanye debate is tough cus “old” Kanye” always changes cus people realize that last album Kanye releases was a classic and they suddenly miss that sound
New Ye should start with Pablo or Ye tbh
But this way the match up more exciting i guess
New Ye should start with Pablo or Ye tbh
But this way the match up more exciting i guess
Wouldn't really be worth doing at thst point
Now this is a good one but on KTT new Ye will win cause 85% of this site grew up on Yeezus and TLOP
New Ye should start with Pablo or Ye tbh
But this way the match up more exciting i guess
Yea I think this is the split that makes it most fair.
Personally if I were putting the cutoff just in terms of ye’s trajectory, I would make yeezus the start of new ye
Schizoid Ye stans gonna ruin this one. Y'all have fun though
What u mean
old Ye is better for me, not even close if MBDTF is considered old Ye
New Ye started strong if we start it at MBDTF and then Yeezus though
What u mean
Mentally unwell Ye stans are gonna crawl out of the woodworks at 7 PM EST and ruin this VZ.
Mentally unwell Ye stans are gonna crawl out of the woodworks at 7 PM EST and ruin this VZ.
lol but how will they ruin it?
lol but how will they ruin it?
I don't know what they got up their sleeve this time, man. We will have to wait and see.
You guys like deep cuts more than hits right?
You guys like deep cuts more than hits right?
You would have to go out of your way to play deepcuts in this vz
You have a whole trilogy of material of almost all nukes
You would have to go out of your way to play deepcuts in this vz
You have a whole trilogy of material of almost all nukes
I am morally opposed to nuclear warfare
all new ye rep gotta do is run mbdtf and yeezus front to back and the website will cream itself
New Ye should start with Pablo or Ye tbh
But this way the match up more exciting i guess
i mean, yes that imo the new Ye starts with TLOP
But letting them have MBDTF and Yeezus makes it so this a more fairer match