Y’all want your Beyoncé round?
Cuff It
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yrtWLyp5gLI&pp=ygUPY3VmZiBpdCBiZXlvbmNl&t=7sNot only Raphael, but also Sheila E. and Nile Rodgers.
Voting both because of Bey.
I'm not voting this round
u don't like bey?
vote for both
I do but lmao
i started appreciation bey earlier this year tbh
We gon f*** up the niiiiiiight, black liiiiiiights
Best thing I never had I haven't heard in so long.
Cuff It feels overplayed already to me
i started appreciation bey earlier this year tbh
what was the song/album that caused it?
i started appreciation bey earlier this year tbh
Saveme getting on the Bey and Andy .Paak trains this year
Round 14: Cuff it - Beyonce vz Best Thing I Never Had - Beyonce
Raphael wins!
what was the song/album that caused it?
revisited her entire discography