I didn’t think I’d win that round
niggas ain't rocking with solo face, it's making me so sad lol
Awww, s***.
This thread has made me realize how much I love both of them.
Mmm, lovely tunes all ’round.
This thread has made me realize how much I love both of them.
yeah @Kdogone making me eat humble pie bc i really thought Face was gonna crush this but it’s so equally-yoked
It quite saddens me that it’s got merely 30+ pages, though.
Ending on A tie works for me
my last song was gonna be it's no crime (one of my mommas fav songs)
Round 20: Thinking of you - Tony Toni Tone vz Tender Lover
Babyface wins!
can't believe it's already 8 omg lol
Thinking Of You
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BatZT7chL58&pp=ygUedGhpbmtpbmcgb2YgeW91IHRvbnkgdG9uaSB0b25l&t=29sGood song but babyface
Congrats, you both. <3