90% of piñata and bandana tracks washing I’m afraid
90% of piñata and bandana tracks washing I’m afraid
need a t.i. and big krit track to contrarrest that
The clean version of I got this hook just don’t hit the same as “ F*** THESE NIGGAS F*** THESE HOES!!”
My Sub
the future started yesterday
Crushed Glass
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu2avDnJy58&pp=ygUbY3J1c2hlZCBnbGFzcyBmcmVkZGllIGdpYmJz&t=38sUnderrated song tbh
yol2 is elite
Underrated song tbh
Had to throw that in to address him making it out of that bogus rape charge
Had to throw that in to address him making it out of that bogus rape charge
I was genuinely happy for bro when he came back nfs the intro of that ep is crazy