spreadie vz benny?
benny would get cooked
Gotta support KRIT tonight man,cause I know KTT ass motherfuckers gonna try and screw him over. Gibbs music is still good but man,does his character make you not want to like him at all.
The buildup to Pinata was special tho,Thuggin was out for 2 yrs with an official video and everything,and Gibbs/Lib still put on the album. And people were not tripping over it,its just a great rap song.
2 of scarface kids going at it this evening
Krit got a lot of Pimp C in em too when he wants to but yeah Face is def an influence
I’m going for Krit but imma big Greddie fan too. I just hope this s*** ain’t post bandana- era’d out
Yeah we know this is one man that loves to tell the truth, The whole truth, and I thing but the truth
heavily underrated gibbs verse