oh darn cant believe i missed the highly anticipated freddie gibbs vz big krit
oh darn cant believe i missed the highly anticipated freddie gibbs vz big krit
weezer stan
Smokin’ And Ridin’
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F16Mxj_mVg0&pp=ygUec21va2luIGFuZCByaWRpbiBmcmVkZGllIGdpYmJzStill Livin losing scared me off it
would of won cause of all of our gta nostalgia tbh
Old English
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6OpdjbzTIhM&pp=ygUSZnJlZGRpZSB5b3VuZyB0aHVnreally surprised u didnt used it
specially in the tiebreaker
This song super iconic
Stop being a D bag
it was rather sassy i apologize
would of won cause of all of our gta nostalgia tbh
But Still Livin got washed
Old English
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6OpdjbzTIhM&pp=ygUSZnJlZGRpZSB5b3VuZyB0aHVnwhat happendddd
The Hard
Old English
Freestyle S***
Its okay how old are you
i feel like this is a setup. i gotta go.
The rate these vz going lately, even Kanye vz Kendrick only gonna have like 15 voters
Competitors need to start beefing with each other on the site ahead of time
what happendddd
They killed me for leaning on Madlib
They would’ve killed me for using Thug and his legal situation for votes lol
The rate these vz going lately, even Kanye vz Kendrick only gonna have like 15 voters
Competitors need to start beefing with each other on the site ahead of time
I will chug a bottle of hennessy before Kanye VZ Lil Wayne and make sure it gets pages
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q1GvMuiOqds&pp=ygURYmZrIGZyZWRkaWUgZ2liYnM%3DEastside Moonwalker
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JdWZolSp1cU&pp=ygUhZWFzdHNpZGUgbW9vbndhbGtlciBmcmVkZGllIGdpYmJzeastside moonwalker
The rate these vz going lately, even Kanye vz Kendrick only gonna have like 15 voters
Competitors need to start beefing with each other on the site ahead of time
we just had 2 really niche vz back to back tbh
Tomorrow is gonna be finally Future vz Thug
The rate these vz going lately, even Kanye vz Kendrick only gonna have like 15 voters
Competitors need to start beefing with each other on the site ahead of time
Deadass I be forgetting to tap in