Oh bruises is repping?
Not anymore it seems
I meannnn that’s such a grey topical area. I get what he’s saying but I think it’s one of those things you shouldn’t say out loud sheesh
The show goes on
Wait @Sk8brdKee aint representing Neptunes? idk better not disappoint @Bruises
I'm back in it
I'm back in it
Wanna start or wanna go second
10 minutes
@op tags?
They both suck, let’s call it a tie and go home gang
gonna do my absolute best to make this a cohesive match
The great part about this VZ is we all going home with a dub tonight because these three are all goats and created some of the best music of 90s, 00s, 10s and beyond
@op tags?
Neptunes has been the favorite on KTT for a while now but Timbo has more than enough hits to win this
@saveme @Sk8brdKee yall ready?
gonna do my absolute best to make this a cohesive match
I'm pretty sure it'll be close, because I'm highkey nervous af
@saveme @Sk8brdKee yall ready?
@saveme @Sk8brdKee yall ready?
Teef at the buffet rn