did promiscuous win
It wasn't played
Hollaback Girl vs. Promiiscuous Girl would've been crazy
It wasn't played
Hollaback Girl vs. Promiiscuous Girl would've been crazy
how do u rep timbo and not play promiscuous
how do u rep timbo and not play promiscuous
Cry Me a River wasn't played either. Some classics get lost in the shuffle
It wasn't played
Hollaback Girl vs. Promiiscuous Girl would've been crazy
I woulda voted Promiscuous Girl tbh
Cry Me a River wasn't played either. Some classics get lost in the shuffle
promiscuous is the one
@Thetenaciousone Common had a couple
@Thetenaciousone Common had a couple
I think that was one for he few good songs from Universal Mind Control 🔥 🔥 🔥
Yea this was the first beat I thought of for some reason
Yea this was the first beat I thought of for some reason
Its a classic tbh one of my favorites
Missed the match cause I was asleep
Congrats to @Sk8brdKee stepping in and getting the W with a fave
No NORE when he put on Neptunes is blasphemy tho
@Vox @Water_Giver @beamo23 @young_frank @nightingalexo @slime_wrld @Aiko @Librarytrap @SonicNirvana @GEENO
I was out family
@Sk8brdKee is the f***ing man for doing this last last last second over some stupid s*** so I mean he could play that Pharrell beat from Jack Harlows album and I’d understand. Coming up with a setlist like this with no time to prepare is commendable and brave.
@beautiful_morning @passing_the_time @dedication @frenchpress @pinhead @tomonthekeys @vlonely @davldp @swishas @NIGHTMAN
Bro I’m begging you to stop tagging me