you broke it in the wrong direction dummy
Nobody wanna hear that s*** right now biggie talking nigga
Nobody wanna hear that s*** right now biggie talking nigga
I can still hear biggie loud ass breathing listening to d'evils
@ryder get in here and do your jay z impression please
f*** i cant rn
@Mmm_Hmm forgive me man i have some s*** to do i am gonna back out of the count, wont happen again
damn. i'm not really gonna look too crazy at any results this vz because every single song will be heat. but that one's surprising
@Mmm_Hmm forgive me man i have some s*** to do i am gonna back out of the count, wont happen again
@op too
damn. i'm not really gonna look too crazy at any results this vz because every single song will be heat. but that one's surprising
@xxxkiraxxx first pg 26
PAGE 24 @xxxkiraxxx