I’m on mobile and it wouldn’t let me vote for BIG. I have a Samsung anyone else having this problem?
Preciate ur honesty
Honestly I'd respect him more if he wasn't comfortable with other people knowing he did that
niggas bleed.
once a month
I’m on mobile and it wouldn’t let me vote for BIG. I have a Samsung anyone else having this problem?
Dont worry about it
Honestly I'd respect him more if he wasn't comfortable with other people knowing he did that
I cant lie tho
Honestly I'd respect him more if he wasn't comfortable with other people knowing he did that
I needed to know u lot talk ab it sm
Izzo (HOVA)
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JwC_UULZEOc&pp=ygUVaXp6byBqYXkgeiByZW1hc3RlcmVkizzo? more like it'z over for biggie
Izzo (HOVA)
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JwC_UULZEOc&pp=ygUVaXp6byBqYXkgeiByZW1hc3RlcmVkbeat is so dope still
Izzo (HOVA)
beat is so dope still
I made it
u did a good job