Legal Smoker, Non-Vegan, Semen Retainer, Steroid Abuser, Praying Addict, Trench Ugliest, Island Endemic, Backshot Blesser, Gambling Prospect, God Given Genius.
I’m gonna have 2 kids and a divorce settlement by the time zaywop replies
1 of these are already true
Pink and white is good its also gay
My Dear Melancholy is his worst project
Easy pick
Yet privilege is his best song....
Play a cockring anthem next @Vibe
Legal Smoker, Non-Vegan, Semen Retainer, Steroid Abuser, Praying Addict, Trench Ugliest, Island Endemic, Backshot Blesser, Gambling Prospect, God Given Genius.
it's allllll down hillllll from herrrrre
My nigga typing out New Found Glory lyrics
Man a weeknd and j cole stan
We are opposite people
Acting like a BSK & Weeknd collab wouldn't go hard?
Look in the mirror and ask yourself why u assumed it had a negative connotation