@SwilloLoubeaux back to back Ws crazy
Both times people thought I was gonna lose too.
Scott Storch vs Mike you’re f***ed Dean
And now with X
90s @saveme vs. 2000s weed rap @Extraterrestrial
4/20Be there!
so the host makes the thread, starts and ends rounds, counts votes?
LMAOOO y’all Niggas weren’t talking like this before it started.
Juice would've won but the XXX songs scared the hoes out of voting tbh
@op We're rounding up to 20
We can do one more bonus round if yall want
And if a lot of people vote on that 2 more
90s @saveme vs. 2000s weed rap @Extraterrestrial
4/20Be there!
@SwilloLoubeaux u dropped some gems fr
real as f***, picks were heat
X just got alot of heat man
wrld on d**** actually such a good tape with gems all over it
real ones get it
glad we got something like this from juice when was still alive, and especially with the goat and one and only future
We can do one more bonus round if yall want
And if a lot of people vote on that 2 more
Let’s gooooo
This is the worst vz I have ever seen except for the one where they cheated
Trolling rep situation
He didn't troll he's a big fan of JuiceWRLD