i think it's perfect tbh
If we encounter a NBA Youngboy rep we can set that up quick
Want more fresher artist in the vz
If we encounter a NBA Youngboy rep we can set that up quick
Want more fresher artist in the vz
Lock me tf in for Pop!!!
I was all over this site pining for him when he was alive
When would u post Bad Boy
Whenever. Could’ve started with it for a instant W
I’m mad I missed this but if Bandit & All Girls Are the Same lost Juice didn’t stand a chance
Whenever. Could’ve started with it for a instant W
I just think every Juice song is so fire idk I thought Burn is a good opener
I just think every Juice song is so fire idk I thought Burn is a good opener
Burn was, I just hit you over the head with Hope.
I think bad boy might’ve won over that
How yall let Xxx goofy ass win this smh
had the youth on lock for a while & was the face of the emo rap gen at the time
had the youth on lock for a while & was the face of the emo rap gen at the time
Juice clears on all fronts for me
Juice clears on all fronts for me
I think X is miles ahead especially because he took a lot of risks and was diverse asf but that just shows how subjective this s*** really is.
I think X is miles ahead especially because he took a lot of risks and was diverse asf but that just shows how subjective this s*** really is.
Xxx just couldnt sing like that. And his s*** came across pretentious af for me. Juice just spoke his mind and it connected every time. Rip to boffum tho, 2 legends