i lost my older bro a year ago to gun violence and been missing him a lot lately. are there albums u go to for healing ? i love carrie and lowell and more recently when smoke rises by mustafa.
do u guys have any other recs i feel like crying
this song for sure
sorry for your loss bro
A crow looked at me
When the electric guitar comes in on soria moria after the whole thing being acoustic up to that point
sorry for your loss @op cant imagine what that feels like
this album + SRS are pretty cathartic i think
I really lost one of my good friends and this whole album has been so therapeutic for me. It’s instrumental but so beautiful.
A crow looked at me
When the electric guitar comes in on soria moria after the whole thing being acoustic up to that point
That's too sad he doesn't need to off himself
Carrie & Lowell
Idlsidgo + solace
Maybe older James Blake albums
Moon shaped pool
I'll think of more