  • Nessy 🦎
    Feb 9, 2020

    its overdone but yeezus is a good one

    i can remember ktt having a meltdown on release but now if u say one bad word about it you're literally satan

    Fr smh

  • Feb 9, 2020

    Tyler albums

  • Feb 9, 2020

    Yeah and it's funny cause not even Tyler feels that way, like he said it in the grammys. So idk lmao

    yeah but if you listen to him it's clear he takes inspiration from so many different genres outside of rap and hip hop, and I feel like that shows up so much more prominently in his music than a lot of other people. I think rap is going in a lot of cool directions like trap pioneering a whole new sound, but I think more people need to drop the bullshit and dig into the s*** that makes other genres so appealing, and bring some of that into hip hop

  • Feb 9, 2020
    Greedy Fat Ape

    I love talking about American Gangster and Jesus Piece