  • 1. Get back in the car with the door wide open

    2. Shut the door, lock it, and stand there being aware of your surroundings

    Only one of these is the right answer .

  • Nov 20, 2021
    3 replies

    i close my door but dont lock it

  • Nov 20, 2021
    4 replies

    I sit atop my car, perched like a vulture while I survey the lot for any suspicious interlopers

  • Nov 20, 2021

    I sit atop my car, perched like a vulture while I survey the lot for any suspicious interlopers

    Perched like a vulture

  • Nov 20, 2021

    in oregon its against the law to pump your own gas

  • Ezio 🎰
    Nov 20, 2021

    America is weird as f*** sometimes man

  • Nov 20, 2021
    2 replies

    While filling up gas I have never thought of sitting back in the car. Never seen my family do it while growing up either

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply
    radiant child

    While filling up gas I have never thought of sitting back in the car. Never seen my family do it while growing up either

    You live in a cold environment? I don't often do it but I think the few times I have it's because it's been cold as bricks and I wanted coverage from the wind

  • Nov 20, 2021

    All the gas stations near me remove the f***ing tab to keep the pump going on its own or else I’d get back in the car. Especially during cold ass winters

  • Nov 20, 2021

    Close and lock my door get out keep my head on swivel and hands in pocket 🤣🤣🤣 so niggas will say f*** it we can pick an easier one

    My car isn’t that flashy or new tho so f*** it niggas probably ain’t even worried about taking my s***

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    You live in a cold environment? I don't often do it but I think the few times I have it's because it's been cold as bricks and I wanted coverage from the wind

    I’ve lived in Maryland all my life and I remember my brother showing me how to pump gas in January, when we usually have coldest temps of the year. We stood outside the whole time, even when other ppl would do it they’d never get back inside no matter how cold

  • Nov 20, 2021

    whats being aware of your surroundings

    like, do you check what direction the wind blows or how many losers stop at the same gas station at 4 am to get some fresh air

  • OP must be in the middle of hood at 2 am pumping his gas

  • Nov 20, 2021
    radiant child

    I’ve lived in Maryland all my life and I remember my brother showing me how to pump gas in January, when we usually have coldest temps of the year. We stood outside the whole time, even when other ppl would do it they’d never get back inside no matter how cold

    I think it’s technically bad for some scientific reason but idk the exacts

  • The second scenario sound like a Bourne identity scene

  • Nov 20, 2021

    I always lock it I’m kinda nuts though 🤪

  • Nov 20, 2021

    roll the windows down and blast ken carson

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    bra if u ever pumped gas in the middle of the night, u know that’s just a diff feeling …

  • kainie 🌌
    Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    i just stand outside

  • Nov 20, 2021

    So we're not looking for sw's with musty vaginas?

  • Nov 20, 2021

    Why don't you mind your own business?

  • Nov 20, 2021

    When all of you imbeciles get back in your cars, that’s when I climb under them and wait to slash your ankles when you get back out

  • 1 if I fill up at Costco, 2 if I’m at a bummy gas station

  • Nov 20, 2021

    i close my door but dont lock it

  • Nov 20, 2021

    close my door and be aware of my surroundings

    not really because I think I'll be run up on, more because I'm prone to static shocks and don't want a Zoolander moment