Not sure if google thinks im a chick, or if they know im a man and are trying to groom me
"Get a new workout outfit"
Really dont think thats a good idea
Going to the gym in my mens lululemons
Am offended and appalled
Just like the gym rats would be when they see me in lululemons
U know what
Gonna buy a couple pair and post a try on haul in fashion sxn
Middle age sagg butt incoming
lululemons are really comfy.... like... od comfy.... i defs recommend
and the the womens ones >>>>> the mens ones
no cap !!!
just wear shorts over dem or sumn idk
lululemons are really comfy.... like... od comfy.... i defs recommend
and the the womens ones >>>>> the mens ones
no cap !!!
just wear shorts over dem or sumn idk
fucced ur b**** in my lululemon t