Points: 99
Voters: @Aruji (27), Galaxy (36), Bizzle (45), rise_zero (47)
Points: 101.5
Voters: Galaxy (5), Aruji (43)
Points: 102.5
Voters: @RVI (19), riffwanker (26), rise_zero (41)
Points: 103
Voters: RASIE (31), Koala (37), pneumonia (55), Galaxy (59), ThuggerBaby (59)
Points: 104
Voters: @Elric (12), suzuki (34), Lawdie (53)
Points: 105
Voters: @Very_Based (22), Einfinet (31), deadpegasus (50), Bizzle (59)
Points: 105
Voters: @basedspirit (6), HeyFella (32)
Points: 105.5
Voters: @Koala (25), riffwanker (34), Einfinet (35), drjdeponytail (53)
Points: 105.5
Voters: Aruji (11), @RASIE (39), Galaxy (50)
Points: 105.5
Voters: @HeyFella (4), ThuggerBaby (43)
How do you make the images? Just photoshop
for the main images? I just use the tools provided for me in google slides lol. I donno how to use photoshop
for the main images? I just use the tools provided for me in google slides lol. I donno how to use photoshop
Damn u got a good ass sense of styling
haven’t heard spring heel jack or flotation toy warning, but a lot of great picks.
pleasantly surprised to see tigers jaw as well
Points: 106
Voters: @Koala (10), drjdeponytail (44), riffwanker (48)
Points: 107
Voters: @EuroNymous (5), pneumonia (33)
Points: 107.5
Voters: @Lawdie (13), Elric (28), LuJo (54)
Points: 109
Voters: Galaxy (9), Aruji (22)
Points: 109
Voters: @RVI (7), Elric (51), Einfinet (55)
Points: 109.5
Voters: @basedspirit (20), @Bizzle (20), LuJo (42)
Points: 109.5
Voters: @HeyFella (3), Bizzle (41)
Points: 110.5
Voters: HeyFella (16), @pneumonia (27), suzuki (36)
Points: 110.5
Voters: @branmalt (8), rise_zero (23)
Points: 111
Voters: @RASIE (2), RVI (48)
haven’t heard spring heel jack or flotation toy warning, but a lot of great picks.
pleasantly surprised to see tigers jaw as well
I hugely recommend Spring Heel Jack, obv I'm only 1 of 2 voters though some cool jungle vibes, jazzy s*** too.
I hugely recommend Spring Heel Jack, obv I'm only 1 of 2 voters though some cool jungle vibes, jazzy s*** too.
i’ll check it out later tonight, sounds dope.
didn’t even notice the numbers on the side lmao, we got a lot to go
Damn this looks sleek already. Well done, @Galaxy
Points: 111.5
Voters: @Koala (18), riffwanker (23), Jerry_Seinfeld (38)
Points: 111.5
Voters: @pneumonia (17), Einfinet (21), HeyFella (49)
Points: 111.5
Voters: @rise_zero (3), deadpegasus (39)
Points: 112
Voters: @Aruji (13), Galaxy (15)
Points: 112.5
Voters: @Jerry_Seinfeld (20), Lawdie (27), deadpegasus (49), drjdeponytail (59)
Points: 113
Voters: pneumonia (26), @Bizzle (28), EuroNymous (33), LuJo (50)
Points: 113.5
Voters: @RVI (22), Koala (32), RASIE (35), riffwanker (46)
Points: 113.5
Voters: @Elric (16), RVI (20), LuJo (53)
Points: 115
Voters: @WASHINGTON (2), Galaxy (40)
Points: 117
Voters: @HeyFella (11), deadpegasus (24), ThuggerBaby (56)
Points: 117
Voters: @rise_zero (11), Jerry_Seinfeld (15)
Points: 117.5
Voters: @suzuki (2), Bizzle (35)
Points: 120.5
Voters: @RASIE (11), Galaxy (27), Aruji (38)
Points: 121
Voters: @pneumonia (29), suzuki (31), HeyFella (37), arel (51), EuroNymous (49)
Points: 122.5
Voters: @WASHINGTON (16), Galaxy (33), RASIE (37), LuJo (46)
Points: 123
Voters: @Koala (17), Elric (23), Galaxy (53), RVI (59)
Points: 123.5
Voters: suzuki (9), @Lawdie (25), Elric (46)
Points: 124
Voters: @drjdeponytail (5), Koala (20)
Points: 124.5
Voters: @Bizzle (15), Very_Based (34), drjdeponytail (40), deadpegasus (42)
Points: 126
Voters: Galaxy (3), @Aruji (47), RASIE (50)
Silver and Prowler in the Yard @rise_zero won