pm or am
Midnight Wednesday EST is deadline to submit your records
Will also create a separate server which i will invite everyone to
pm or am
thats too easy for me
this week can we do it earlier i got something on
which discord are you guys using?
i created one
final reminder for eveyone put their record of choice
i also need change the time since i am out that time
i am thinking doing 7pm to 8pm est if your fine with that we can go to 11pm est next week
going to close it in hour and will spin the wheel
final reminder for eveyone put their record of choice
i also need change the time since i am out that time
i am thinking doing 7pm to 8pm est if your fine with that we can go to 11pm est next week
7-8 is cool w me
7 pm est is good but if you go 11 pm est, I will have to announce my departure as I'm a European resident!
7 pm est is good but if you go 11 pm est, I will have to announce my departure as I'm a European resident!
7pm est this week is good for me, americans and Europeans
final reminder for eveyone put their record of choice
i also need change the time since i am out that time
i am thinking doing 7pm to 8pm est if your fine with that we can go to 11pm est next week
Damn imma be at work
final reminder for eveyone put their record of choice
i also need change the time since i am out that time
i am thinking doing 7pm to 8pm est if your fine with that we can go to 11pm est next week
@EuroNymous I’m on my phone add See You Tomorrow by the innonence mission for me
@EuroNymous I’m on my phone add See You Tomorrow by the innonence mission for me
choose now before i close it!!