if you wanna join just @me and i add you
i need different themes ideas
i got
breakup records
love records
concept records
each decade 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s
don't particularly want to restrict genres give some ideas and then we will let people choose their record they want aligning with the theme
I'd back breakup record
i join @EuroNymous
alright this week we doing a break up/heartbreak record from any year
Closes Thursday midnight where i will randomly choose record (like last week) and you will have a week to listen to record and report back to what you think of chosen record
alright this week we doing a break up/heartbreak record from any year
Closes Thursday midnight where i will randomly choose record (like last week) and you will have a week to listen to record and report back to what you think of chosen record
cant edit
cant edit
try now
try now
still no
still no
works now
works now
@EuroNymous i want in
@EuroNymous i want in
alright this week we doing a break up/heartbreak record from any year
Closes Thursday midnight where i will randomly choose record (like last week) and you will have a week to listen to record and report back to what you think of chosen record
Reminder for everyone involved
yeah i need to re think this
i bring it back once i think of something
sure im in
bump bringing this back
bump bringing this back
Im in!! the theme of breakup is still current?
Im in!! the theme of breakup is still current?
yes we will restart next weekend on saturday i will invest into that thing we used for the mbdtf listener party
if your interested put your album here will do a random choose
everyone keen to restart?
i found program which we can use so yes
i found program which we can use so yes
good on that