  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    @JANGLE looks like we have our answer. Let’s set up league safe and get paid b4 week 1

  • Sep 3, 2020

    @JANGLE looks like we have our answer. Let’s set up league safe and get paid b4 week 1

    I will do it today

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    @DonJulio am I able to quote everyone at once now or is still 5 at a time ?

  • Sep 3, 2020

    @DonJulio am I able to quote everyone at once now or is still 5 at a time ?

    10 at a time

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Actually it wouldn’t even matter, you’d be quoting me to get to Kloppo anyway

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply
    Julio Caesar

    Actually it wouldn’t even matter, you’d be quoting me to get to Kloppo anyway

    Are sign ups for new accounts closed? One of the people that did contest last year on ktt1 just tried to make an account and he said it was temporarily disabled. Do u know about that?

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Are sign ups for new accounts closed? One of the people that did contest last year on ktt1 just tried to make an account and he said it was temporarily disabled. Do u know about that?

    Yes sign ups are still closed as of right now

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply
    Julio Caesar

    Yes sign ups are still closed as of right now

    Damn ok, how are u gonna do kloppos picks - reading above it sounds like he’s not on here regularly?

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Damn ok, how are u gonna do kloppos picks - reading above it sounds like he’s not on here regularly?

    Yeah he asked for a ban but me and him are still in contact. He’ll send me his picks and then I’ll just be sure to clarify which picks are for him and which are my own

  • Sep 3, 2020
    2 replies
    Julio Caesar

    Yeah he asked for a ban but me and him are still in contact. He’ll send me his picks and then I’ll just be sure to clarify which picks are for him and which are my own

    Ok. No timeline on when new accounts will be allowed to be made?

  • Sep 3, 2020

    Ok. No timeline on when new accounts will be allowed to be made?


  • Sep 3, 2020

    Flukey is suggesting he just email you the picks each week directly. Let’s discuss

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is time! I have created a leaguesafe for you guys to submit payment. The payment deadline is 10/15. Same rules as last year, winner take all.

    There is a chance games are cancelled or even the whole season shuts down. We need to work out how many weeks this has to go for an official result. I'm thinking if it goes 10 weeks whoever is ahead wins and if the season is cancelled before that then everyone gets a refund. LMK if that works.

    If they somehow end up playing less than 5 games in a week then you will be able to select 6 games the following week.

    I'll update the OP later.

    LeagueSafe Link:


  • Sep 3, 2020

    Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is time! I have created a leaguesafe for you guys to submit payment. The payment deadline is 10/15. Same rules as last year, winner take all.

    There is a chance games are cancelled or even the whole season shuts down. We need to work out how many weeks this has to go for an official result. I'm thinking if it goes 10 weeks whoever is ahead wins and if the season is cancelled before that then everyone gets a refund. LMK if that works.

    If they somehow end up playing less than 5 games in a week then you will be able to select 6 games the following week.

    I'll update the OP later.

    LeagueSafe Link:


    10 weeks works. here are a few more rules:

    • if the game you pick gets cancelled last minute (e.g. sunday cancellation), and somehow you aren't online to switch, then that person can select a 6th game the next week
    • no matter what time the games start, your 5 games are the first 5 games you type in the thread. call this the Dreezy rule
    • no editing of posts. if you make a typo or want to change picks just do a new post
  • Sep 3, 2020


  • Im good with these rules

  • Sep 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Will pay tomorrow or tonight

  • Sep 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Jangle is that a photo of you as a kid in OP

    in the streets of Atlanta

    fresh off hitting a 6 team parlay


    Jangle is that a photo of you as a kid in OP

    in the streets of Atlanta

    fresh off hitting a 6 team parlay

  • TraewayTrueToATL11

    Will pay tomorrow or tonight

    Actually im gonna pay next friday lol dont worry about it tho

  • Sep 6, 2020

    Ok. No timeline on when new accounts will be allowed to be made?

    September 10th

  • Sep 7, 2020
    2 replies

    Ill pay this week

  • Sep 7, 2020

    Ill pay this week

  • Sep 7, 2020
    1 reply