you are 4 points back...the odds of all 3 teams ahead of you going 1-4 are slim.
actually being 4 back with 3 ahead of you likely makes it less than 1% chance of winning. cause you cant pick any of the same games as teams above you basically. im going to think through the possible permutations and how to solve. but from initial hypothesis, it is unlikely and only chance you would have is if you are actually smart on avoiding same teams, which you havent done for the past month.
2016 Warriors giving up 3-1 lead
2016 Falcons with the 28-3
2020 My Night???
are these our 3 worst choke jobs in last decade
I think this auto fade stuff gotta go for week 17
I thought about doing it last year but then realized Julio coulda leapfrogged me
2016 Warriors giving up 3-1 lead
2016 Falcons with the 28-3
2020 My Night???
are these our 3 worst choke jobs in last decade
Call me Kyrie cuz im finna hit this shot in night dumbass face
Shampoo really went opposite of MY Night for last few weeks and is in 2nd place by 1 point now
Shampoo really went opposite of MY Night for last few weeks and is in 2nd place by 1 point now
I will no longer be fading night
I will make my picks
Big boy pick szn
Lets see who has the balls
Say we send our picks in secrecy to jangle or mamba
May the best man win
Say we send our picks in secrecy to jangle or mamba
May the best man win
I’d say mamba but y’all can send em to me if y’all want
What if this ends in a tie
Are we picking playoff games?
Yes all the way through. It’s on one of the early pages officially. I’ll find it later
Say we send our picks in secrecy to jangle or mamba
May the best man win
Dm me on Sunday I’ll post them at individual lock times after
either split the pot if both agree to that, or go through round by round of playoffs.
if the latter, then either golf elimination style by round or play it all the way through till end of Super Bowl
looks like we never formally agreed actually. so 2 options:
1. go round by round like golf. Example, if in round 1 someone goes 4-2, while other goes 3-3, then contest is over, we got a winner.
2. go all the way through entire playoffs. all picks valued the same...mathematically someone might win before we get to super bowl.
if tied at end of both, its split.
I think it would be best to decide before we potentially get to that point. whats your preference night/champu?
+jangle presidential opinion.
looks like we never formally agreed actually. so 2 options:
1. go round by round like golf. Example, if in round 1 someone goes 4-2, while other goes 3-3, then contest is over, we got a winner.
2. go all the way through entire playoffs. all picks valued the same...mathematically someone might win before we get to super bowl.
if tied at end of both, its split.
I think it would be best to decide before we potentially get to that point. whats your preference night/champu?
+jangle presidential opinion.
@JANGLE @MyNight @Papi_Champu
i'll vote for option 2