Of course, if I was repping Leo, you’d say the opposite
I didn’t even realize you were repping anyone
Sell me this pen.
me holding a vape pen rn
first to 7 wins
ET Purrp Cold War continues strong
ET Purrp Cold War continues strong
You're jealous of his cats
whos going first? @Extraterrestrial @Prez
whos going first? @Extraterrestrial @Prez
i dont care u pick it
It’s a meme now
Hndrxx and OP love it
You're jealous of his cats
How many does he have and what kind
Very cold indeed
Ice cold
Just saw Dr Strangelove last night
Two beautiful boys
Are male cats nicer than female cats?
I’m the black Tom Hanks
You can call me
Are male cats nicer than female cats?
I think that rule is true across the spectrum of all species
Are male cats nicer than female cats?
No sue is the nicest cAt in the world