  • Jowe Buddew โ›ต
    1 reply

    Aquatic innit

  • Jowe Buddew

    Aquatic innit


    And for the love of Lent

  • Catholicism always wins

  • ยท
    1 reply

    Still don't get how fish doesn't count as meat

  • Zach LaBeam

    Still don't get how fish doesn't count as meat

    Its just tradition from the time of Christ' sacrifice. In those days, meat was a luxury food reserved for the wealthy and special occasions for the poor - and more importantly, classified as different from the flesh of fish. The point isn't to abstain from all animal consumption, but forfeiting flesh as a gesture of penance for the flesh that was sacrificed for us.

    As a day of penance, meals should be kept modest - going out and replacing meat with high value tasty fish like crab lobster and bluefin tuna as a "substitute" for meat flesh sort of ruins the point.

  • Might get some Po'Boy sometime next week