Or someone else
Ik it’s sort of the unspoken rule that he’s seperate from the big 3 but ill take Kanye if I can
everyone would rather pick Ye than Sean @op that should say something
everyone would rather pick Ye than Sean @op that should say something
My bad I just read that lol
@davey real for repping Roy Woods though
imma be mia when 7 pm comes
imma be mia when 7 pm comes
u got Drama feat drake tho
Ik it’s sort of the unspoken rule that he’s seperate from the big 3 but ill take Kanye if I can
I think ye is above being third of the big 3 u know so he is banned
Also because he would win without a doubt lmao
imma be mia when 7 pm comes
usual OVO artist sabotage, nothing new to see it
usual OVO artist sabotage, nothing new to see it
sweatshop overstaffed
imma be mia when 7 pm comes
u got Drama feat drake tho
Song clears a lot of the artists in OP discog just saying
Song clears a lot of the artists in OP discog just saying
yeah but nicki taking it home
u got Drama feat drake tho
no songs feat any members of the current big 3
@Mmm_Hmm you paying @op
if not let's just call this off
drizzy dropping tonight
its Wednesday not thursday
no songs feat any members of the current big 3
says who?
I’ll take Keef @Hndrxx_Free
does 2 chainz count in this vz
its Wednesday not thursday
nigga i said drizzy dropping tonight
I’ll take Keef @Hndrxx_Free
lmao hndrxx helper
nigga i said drizzy dropping tonight
(hes not)