I know the vocals aren’t perfectly clean on here, but they are my real emotions, which I think is more important
I hope you like it
just finished it
I loved All Alone, God Help Me and Souls
the vocals don't have to be perfect clean, f*** that studio quality crispiness they want nowadays, this comes from heart
how about you lay out some of your heavenly vocals for my album too
just finished it
I loved All Alone, God Help Me and Souls
the vocals don't have to be perfect clean, f*** that studio quality crispiness they want nowadays, this comes from heart
how about you lay out some of your heavenly vocals for my album too
thank you so much for listening
Glad to see GOD HELP ME getting the love it deserves. One of my favorites for sure
And if you want me to feature on your project I am more than down
My personal favorites are
INFINITE HEAVEN (and the final 2 tracks, because they are connected‼️)
Listening now
Thanks fam
U got a favorite song?
Can I make the pain go away?
Wait why did I start in the middle
All Alone a personal favorite @thankmelater
Havent listened, just want to say congrats with your album good smelling mf @Fantasy
Havent listened, just want to say congrats with your album good smelling mf @Fantasy
Let me know when (or if ) you listen
Let me know when (or if ) you listen
I will! Just too tired to have anything else than background music on rn <3
Souls outro
All Alone autotune is perfection
I will! Just too tired to have anything else than background music on rn <3
Honestly check out this guys project, it’s so good and perfect for more relaxed music
All Alone a personal favorite @thankmelater
Yup I get it
Honestly check out this guys project, it’s so good and perfect for more relaxed music
listening. I paused DS2 for this
Souls outro
All Alone autotune is perfection
I feel like All Alone covers a pretty large range of styles that I have across the album