Calling Able just a regular pop star, like any pop star other than him is doing performance art for their interconnected album trilogies which reimagine the Divine Comedy, is crazy
Also he only involved himself because Drake attacked him on FATD and, as a pop star, he has little to lose from jumping in. No one’s gonna stop listening to him because he got out rapped
Calling Able just a regular pop star, like any pop star other than him is doing performance art for their interconnected album trilogies which reimagine the Divine Comedy, is crazy
Also he only involved himself because Drake attacked him on FATD and, as a pop star, he has little to lose from jumping in. No one’s gonna stop listening to him because he got out rapped
The Idol s***ted on his legacy
The Idol s***ted on his legacy
The Idol isn’t good, but the soundtrack washed the taste right out of my mouth, tbh.
I doubt that it will have much an effect at all on how people see him in 20 years
Calling Able just a regular pop star, like any pop star other than him is doing performance art for their interconnected album trilogies which reimagine the Divine Comedy, is crazy
Also he only involved himself because Drake attacked him on FATD and, as a pop star, he has little to lose from jumping in. No one’s gonna stop listening to him because he got out rapped
performance art? what are you talking about? genuinely curious
performance art? what are you talking about? genuinely curious
When he wore that suit and all those bandages for like a year straight
Not really intense stuff, but still qualifies imo
When he wore that suit and all those bandages for like a year straight
Not really intense stuff, but still qualifies imo
i mean that's definitely not new gaga been done that over 10 years before after hours also prince arguably but yeah that was cool.