Swillo gas expenses must be crazy
me scheduling another VZ against Swillo after this
swilo was the driver that put kanye in the hospital bck in 2002
I got 16
It was tied when i stopped it
Why you niggas keep calling swillo kobe
swilo was the driver that put kanye in the hospital bck in 2002
kanye broke that driver's legs btw
then made Through The Wire and tried to make it a wholesome song
They kicked out nort from music sxn
Say it aint so
me scheduling another VZ against Swillo after this
this nigga the biggest hater itt
Wants weasly to say nigga and swillo to go live down a bridge
Any other corn actresses I should check out
swilo was the driver that put kanye in the hospital bck in 2002
Iโm sooooooo h**** rn
this nigga the biggest hater itt
Wants weasly to say nigga and swillo to go live down a bridge
its a occupation
Why you niggas keep calling swillo kobe
He driving 24 hours like Kobe did
He driving 24 hours like Kobe did
Bruh you the most gullible nigga I know
wut he do??
say the N word or some?