anyone playing Linkin Park
anyone playing Linkin Park
would this be pop
anyone playing Linkin Park
the gods of pop
cuz if so......
Am I crazy for voting for Mirrors? Love that song
nah mirrors is def the better song everyone itt smoking crack
nah mirrors is def the better song everyone itt smoking crack
shhhh dont say his name thats the 10s secret weapon
memories a insta vote for me tbh
nah mirrors is def the better song everyone itt smoking crack
no they know the truth
would this be pop
no rock/ pop punk
lol but for the environment and first pick it makes sense i got a feeling won like that
we already had a rock match up
is it wrong to say something is a better song but the other is the better pop song?
cause that's the conclusion i just drew. if it was a bep vs justin timberlake verzuz i would've picked mirrors. maybe it makes no sense tho
The Peas blew out Mirrors
they smoking d***
The Peas blew out Mirrors
the vibes are back