I did it all without a Drake feature
or a thug feat
Lets start an insurrection VZ
it's time, i'm sick of seeing these lopsided ass vz's
@Echiham gg man good play
@Echiham played also played well
i’ll update the op proper with rounds later
Thanks for hosting
Good game @Echiham
Tbh, surprised forever won because of how it aged
Yea,that song dropped right around the time of The Happening
ngl was hoping bieber brigade would’ve came thru in the last round cause i like sorry more
it's time, i'm sick of seeing these lopsided ass vz's
Give me 20 minutes to get home
I got washed
you see why i wanted tpain now
I got washed
u still win in my heart tho <3
Chris Brown washing 80% of ppl in a versus dude has iconic songs bar none
Drake better
@Echiham played also played well
i’ll update the op proper with rounds later
CB sweep
Chris Brown washing 80% of ppl in a versus dude has iconic songs bar none
you wanna rep him against tpain