Tity And Dolla
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vgvgFxrRurA&pp=ygUcdGl0eSBhbmQgZG9sbGEgaXNhaWFoIHJhc2hhZA%3D%3DAlways wondered where Q was here
They got everybody and they mama for the Jay Rock video except for Q
Camille that’s my brother we go back to back in the womb like that’s my brother
look in the mirror man
S***'s been hilarious honestly
Best VZ in a while
My first one too I like this
S***'s been hilarious honestly
Best VZ in a while
the taylor swift royal rumble next week will be historic
the taylor swift royal rumble next week will be historic
LOL I'm in
Listening to Memphis hip-hop.
Lil 3 6ix?
LOL I'm in
everyone is rocking taylor avi's to provoke @Extraterrestrial
everyone is rocking taylor avi's to provoke @Extraterrestrial