One of the coolest music stories I have is that I got to see Electric Lady live like a year before the album came out because Janelle was supporting Prince at a 1 AM club show and tried out a few from the album
Love that album, early 2010s were such a great time for music
Also, oh my g-d, that must’ve been so cool.
“Givin’ ’Em What They Love” (feat. Prince on vox, electric bass guitar, and electric guitar):
I know this Vz is a little slower but cmon
Its not the VZ I didnt sleep well last night
@Kdogone I think Solange can get one more round on this site, depending what it's up against. WIGH track with a feature
“Givin’ ’Em What They Love” (feat. Prince on vox, electric bass guitar, and electric guitar):
! said on vox, guitars, writing and everything
“Givin’ ’Em What They Love” (feat. Prince on vox, electric bass guitar, and electric guitar):
! who's hosting
Do I have the host blocked
Also, oh my g-d, that must’ve been so cool.
I followed Prince around Chicago that week I was skipping night classes and making the moment count
Really glad I did, appreciate your heroes while they're around
Yeah this VZ is struggling to finish tbh
KTT supported the wywomen match more
Yeah this VZ is struggling to finish tbh
This VZ is just like me fr
Yeah this VZ is struggling to finish tbh
Like that Strokes Arctic Monkeys VZ that went from 16 voters to 4 halfway through