I Decided
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=83LeK-t-kTw&pp=ygUMYmlueiBzb2xhbmdlHere’s some Solo ass just cause Kdoggy loves you all
Make Me Feel beating Losing You kinda crazy tbh
People thought it would be MJ but Prince is the true VZ Thanos on here (besides Ye)
People thought it would be MJ but Prince is the true VZ Thanos on here (besides Ye)
Is KingOfPop still around, by the way?
Is KingOfPop still around, by the way?
Oh yeah, he gets tired of people @ing him about MJ stuff for his reaction
Oh yeah, he gets tired of people @ing him about MJ stuff for his reaction
Not going to lie, I’d be tired as well.
Some Things Never Seem To F***ing Work
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GYDeI4rt5Gw&pp=ygUnc29sYW5nZSBzb21lIHRoaW5ncyBuZXZlciBzZWVtIHRvIHdvcmsgF*** The Industry
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cnHm70p6X5w&pp=ygUZRnVjayB0aGUgaW5kdXN0cnkgc29sYW5nZQ%3D%3D&t=24sLast ones
All great.
All great.
There was more on the list but I don’t feel like posting anymore links lol
There was more on the list but I don’t feel like posting anymore links lol
You can always DM me.
Oh yeah, he gets tired of people @ing him about MJ stuff for his reaction
Bro has to get at least 20 random mentions a day
Not going to lie, I’d be tired as well.
well, when you build your whole (online) persona around a particular celebrity.. this is bound to happen
no disrespect @KingOfPop
well, when you build your whole (online) persona around a particular celebrity.. this is bound to happen
no disrespect @KingOfPop
I mean, he’s iconic on this forum at least; almost everyone knows him.
I mean, he’s iconic on this forum at least; almost everyone knows him.
oh yes, no doubt. whether you like him or not, @KingOfPop is a KTT icon