More like Purple Rain Vz Sign O The Times you f***ing c***
why would future vz prince?
still waiting on white MJ vz black MJ
You really wanna see black on white crime huh
you are next
I mean this must be a mistake
No way kdoggy is gonna host
Honestly in a Purple Reign vz Purple Reign vz (future vz Prince)
Future doesnt lose a round and im being serious
You really wanna see black on white crime huh
I wanna see black on white 😼
I mean this must be a mistake
No way kdoggy is gonna host
not a mistake, just the sad reality
Kdoggy is hosting this. He even is @ the people
Honestly in a Purple Reign vz Purple Reign vz (future vz Prince)
Future doesnt lose a round and im being serious
Set it up @Hndrxx_Free @Trouble
Woahhhhh name change
I went back to my roots like I’m Jimmy Fallon