Which artist did he copy when he made his first hit Nothin On You? Which artist did he copy when he made his second hit Billionaire? What about his third hit Just The Way You Are? And his fourth hit Grenade? Which artists did he copy when he made It Will Rain, Talking To The Man, Young Wild and Free, Count On Me, Mirror, The Lazy Song…?
That was his first era, the first 3 years of his career. A incredibly big album that will be certified Diamond in the US soon. He was already globally massive as soon as his career started in 2010. Since that’s what you’re saying, which songs by other artists did he copy on his pop and reggae fusion debut album that was inspired by his family and Hawaii?
His career didn’t start with Uptown Funk in 2014 (a Mark Ronson song from his retro themed album) or 24K Magic in 2016, a R&B album which the concept was him doing different styles of the genre.
Like I said, it seems like people that says this about Bruno doesn’t know much about his discography. I have the impression that a lot of people only started paying attention to him with 24K Magic which I guess might have caused this confusion, as he’s not very appealing to US millennials. KTT is a good example. I doubt there was much discussion about him on KTT1 in 2012.
Nothin on You and Billionaire aren't even his songs. All those songs you detailed up to Doo Wops and Hooligans weren't distinct songs. They took from artists like Elvis Presley and Prince musically but without any of the bold songwriting edge of either artist as it was adapted to the saccharine sensibilities of radio pop songwriting of the early 2010s. That album was horrendous and I was hearing his songs on the radio because I was in high school when that music was popping. Most people didn't fully respect Bruno until 24k Magic because they saw Doo Wops as a corny ass album for Disney-obsessed white girls. Unorthodox Jukebox had a bit more edge and I do consider Locked Out of Heaven to be a very good song but again, every song on that record was also clearly wearing its influences on its sleeves without making any bold artistic or musical push away from them. And the same can be said for the 80s/90s obsessed pop/r&b/soul/funk sound of 24K Magic. But people just liked that album more because that sound is a lot more agreeable to a wide demographic than the Disney music sounding s*** like Just the Way you are and Marry You that he was famous for.
By contrast, Future Sex/Love Sounds clearly wears its influences from MJ and Prince on its sleeves too but JT was taking songwriting and structural risks that most pop stars (especially the one's at the time) were not taking. They weren't writing a song like Sexy Back. They weren't confident enough to do a 7 minute dynamic song like Lovestoned where the backbone of the beat was purely beatboxing and then going into that interlude that completely changed the mood of the song. JT wore his influences on his sleeve but he also made clear deviations from them by taking these risks. Bruno's only deviation from his influences is that he adapts to modern radio songwriting sensibilities and goes even safer and white-washed with his influences as a result. The same can be said for Rihanna with songs like Pon De Replay and We Found Love (one of the first big crossover edm pop songs with a drop). The same can be said for Beyonce doing songs like XO or Drunk in Love (a wild song for a pop star to do at the time to almost entirely abandon their white audience and safe radio songwriting to go almost full hip hop but to make it sound like a pop song)
I’m sorry but there’s going to be nothing but dweebs itt when we got the afc championship game bout to start
I’m sorry but there’s going to be nothing but dweebs itt when we got the afc championship game bout to start
@op let the newcomer go first
@NYFinest You’re going first in round 1, I’ll let y’all know the page once it’s 7
@NYFinest You’re going first in round 1, I’ll let y’all know the page once it’s 7
No you can go first
Since y’all can’t decide, OP is saying you’re going first
I’m sorry but there’s going to be nothing but dweebs itt when we got the afc championship game bout to start
I am that dweeb lol
Nothin on You and Billionaire aren't even his songs. All those songs you detailed up to Doo Wops and Hooligans weren't distinct songs. They took from artists like Elvis Presley and Prince musically but without any of the bold songwriting edge of either artist as it was adapted to the saccharine sensibilities of radio pop songwriting of the early 2010s. That album was horrendous and I was hearing his songs on the radio because I was in high school when that music was popping. Most people didn't fully respect Bruno until 24k Magic because they saw Doo Wops as a corny ass album for Disney-obsessed white girls. Unorthodox Jukebox had a bit more edge and I do consider Locked Out of Heaven to be a very good song but again, every song on that record was also clearly wearing its influences on its sleeves without making any bold artistic or musical push away from them. And the same can be said for the 80s/90s obsessed pop/r&b/soul/funk sound of 24K Magic. But people just liked that album more because that sound is a lot more agreeable to a wide demographic than the Disney music sounding s*** like Just the Way you are and Marry You that he was famous for.
By contrast, Future Sex/Love Sounds clearly wears its influences from MJ and Prince on its sleeves too but JT was taking songwriting and structural risks that most pop stars (especially the one's at the time) were not taking. They weren't writing a song like Sexy Back. They weren't confident enough to do a 7 minute dynamic song like Lovestoned where the backbone of the beat was purely beatboxing and then going into that interlude that completely changed the mood of the song. JT wore his influences on his sleeve but he also made clear deviations from them by taking these risks. Bruno's only deviation from his influences is that he adapts to modern radio songwriting sensibilities and goes even safer and white-washed with his influences as a result. The same can be said for Rihanna with songs like Pon De Replay and We Found Love (one of the first big crossover edm pop songs with a drop). The same can be said for Beyonce doing songs like XO or Drunk in Love (a wild song for a pop star to do at the time to almost entirely abandon their white audience and safe radio songwriting to go almost full hip hop but to make it sound like a pop song)
Nothin On You and Billionaire are his songs. He made them. He’s just not the singer of the hooks. In fact, Nothin On You was originally a solo song but executives didn’t want him as singer because… he wasn’t marketable in the US because of his race. I guess they were kinda right.
His debut album is pop and reggae fusion with rock n roll and doo-wop influences. So yes, he was doing music influenced by other artists that he grew up listening to like 50/ rock. Isn’t that what almost every artist does? Make music inspired by their influences, especially their debut albums? Or do you want him to create a brand new genre?
I just don’t see how his entire discography is “covers” like you said. Just The Way You Are and Grenade are pop song, but he didn’t create pop music… so they are covers. Talking To The Moon is a ballad… but he didn’t create ballads, so that’s a cover. This makes no sense. Do you also apply this logic to other artists? Is Beyoncé’s Virgo’s Groove a cover? Rihanna’s We Found Love? Adele’s Someone Like You? They are certainly not original.
But I don’t understand how Rihanna’s mediocre discography (which is absolutely not innovative at all) makes her a “generational artist” because of the amount of hits, but Bruno just sings “covers”.
Since the VZ will start, let’s just say it’s basically because he doesn’t appeal to you and most young adults in the US, he’s just not an interesting artist to you and that’s ok.
(oh, and Bruno has always been respect, especially globally (which is what this discussion was about originally), it’s just certain demographics that didn’t care about him back in the day. And like I said, they only started paying attention to him in 2016 which is why they think he sings only “throwback songs”)