Why do I feel like this s*** gonna end in a tie
Think Miguel running out. Party still got heat
Think Miguel running out. Party still got heat
@Kdogone is this true? Are you going to stay at 0?
Why do I feel like this s*** gonna end in a tie
Come And See Me
Persian Rugs
West District
Say nope
Lotus Flower Bomb, bombed????
We drove @Bruises away
@Kdogone goes First @saveme goes Second
is he going 1st again 2 make up 4 me going 1st 2 times or what’s going on
Pic makes me laugh everytime
Pic makes me laugh everytime
She got an eyepatch on?
is he going 1st again 2 make up 4 me going 1st 2 times or what’s going on
hes going 1st again so we can get back o ntrack
Pic makes me laugh everytime
Imagine if that was the album cover for Everything Is Love