@earlymann you know what 2 classics I need, hopefully you can use them
when i die put my money in the grape
hndrxx bouta execute early
Alright DROP the next song.
David P is a professional valorant player
Gamer coms voice: ok I just stopped fridge mods are pushing
12-4 Migos
@earlymann pg 66
@Hndrxx_Free 2nd
im testing waters with this next pick
Gamer coms voice: ok I just stopped fridge mods are pushing
-Does anyone have some support for the fridge? Hello?-
im testing waters with this next pick
u down 8-9 and u testing waters?
u down 8-9 and u testing waters?
im testing waters with this next pick
Bro testing waters on the last pick
First to 11!