@bruntz wins!!!!!!
do yall wanna continue? @Kdogone
@bruntz wins!!!!!!
do yall wanna continue? @Kdogone
Yes so I can play faves
That type of impact in that short of time legitimately is nuts
My last chick be like
Yeah, type that wanna suck you dry and then eat some lunch with you
Yeah, so thick that everybody else in the room is so uncomfortable
Yes so I can play faves
lets go bruda
@bruntz wins!!!!!!
do yall wanna continue? @Kdogone
Post more smooth Snoop joints fr
Lets get blown got me feelin it!
Yes so I can play faves
Pls do, I'm tryna get more acquainted w snoops discog
I gotta relisten through cause i know I had some favs off the early albums
Congrats on the W
Bonus rounds time
thank u bruda amazing game
couldnt have had a better 1st vz
Good VZ y'all. Y'all both delivered and this felt like a gangsta party.
I miss G-Funk fr