When I heard this I was pissed off. A missed opportunity, to put it lightly.
On god, extended version would be top 5 on the album. Somethings i dont understand
This isn't even debatable. Put this beautiful work of art as the official cover for this VZ.
again cuz bottompaged
This isn't even debatable. Put this beautiful work of art as the official cover for this VZ.
Gotta give ppl the chance regardless
currently 1-1-0
Currently 1-1-1
what’s y’all top 3 on birds?
Biebs in the trap, Outside and Pick up the Phone. HM: Way Back and Lose
what’s y’all top 3 on birds?
Top 5:
The Ends
Way Back
Through the Late Night
Sweet Sweet
goosebumps is so ass
i disagree
i disagree
i am a kendrick defender 2 the death but my god he completely ruined that s***
Ima die4myguyz
i am a kendrick defender 2 the death but my god he completely ruined that s***
im not a kendrick defender at all
and i think he did his normal kendrick feature thing on it