They’ve heard a couple beat snippets in the planner thread
We have but I want a full snippet
Tyler his biggest influence and people only credit Pharrell!
because Tyler gobbles Pharrell
u all disrespected this man tonight
you disrespected him the most by not playing Apollo Kids, Wu-Tang 7th Chamber, and Iron Maiden tbh
because Tyler gobbles Pharrell
tyler's drums are literally doom though it's insane
While we still here
Let me get a feature verse
I can rap I swear
He can never be replaced but he has influenced so many amazing pupils that his legacy will likely never be extinguished
Carti even shouted him out lmao
Pretty much anyone who has at least a slightly alt taste in rap sees DOOM as an influence
tyler's drums are literally doom though it's insane
the programming though
We have but I want a full snippet
I’m cooking rn
When I’m closer to finished I’ll let y’all hear something 😉
Pretty much anyone who has at least a slightly alt taste in rap sees DOOM as an influence
his humor is my favorite aspect of his music tbh
obv a technical/lyrical genius but he's genuinely hilarious too, like Lil B levels of funny sometimes
so are we in the planner thread or here
this is wrap
@Skiofficial come to the planner thread bro ur funny af
its cool to chat sometimes
when i play 44 Bulldog by pop smoke im very curious what @Kdogone plays from Dolph