@Camille to rep John!
@Uhhhhhh to rep Sir Paul!
-First to 11 wins
-If score is tied 10-10, both reps will post 3 songs each in OT
-Beatles songs + their non Beatles catalogs are all playable
Rd 1: Please Please Me vz Let It Be, 8-6 Paul
Rd 2: Paperback Writer vz Don't Let Me Down, 10-2 John
Rd 3: Strawberry Fields Forever vz Penny Lane, 9-5 John
Rd 4: Drive My Car vz Help!, 6-2 Paul
Rd 5: In My Life vz Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey, 8-2 John
Rd 6: Eleanor Rigby vz A Day In The Life, 5-3 Paul
Rd 7: Tomorrow Never Knows vz Maybe I'm Amazed, 7-4 John
Rd 8: Get Back vz Instant Karma, 6-5 Paul
Rd 9: If I Fell vz All My Loving, 9-3 Paul
Rd 10: Here, There And Everywhere vz Revolution, 11-2 Paul
Rd 11: Come Together vz Jet, 10-2 John
Rd 12: Blackbird vz Happiness Is A Warm Gun, 7-4 Paul
Rd 13: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (LSD) vz The Fool On The Hill, 8-2 John
Rd 14: Band On The Run vz I Want You, 8-2 John
Rd 15: All You Need Is Love vz Got To Get You Into My Life, 8-5 Paul
Rd 16: Yesterday vz Jealous Guy, 10-5 Paul
Rd 17: Julia vz Arrow Through Me, 9-7 John
Rd 18: Golden Slumbers vz Dear Prudence, 8-4 John
Rd 19: I Am The Walrus vz Helter Skelter, 8-5 John
Rd 20: The Long And Winding Road vz Because, 7-6 Paul
Rd 21: Rain/Imagine/Across The Universe vz Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band/Live And Let Die/Hey Jude, 6-5 John
Bruh you guys really ran out of ideas I’m dead
guys it's f***ing paul
Paul >
Pick songs off Ram and it's an ez dub.
Bruh you guys really ran out of ideas I’m dead
This one of the more inspired ideas in that thread trust me
if it's during the beatles ----- maaaaaaayyyybbbeeee theres an argument
Post beatles - no f***ing question it's paul
We will determine the true alpha of the Fab Four TOMORROW
George stans in shambles
tag me when paul wins
Bruh you guys really ran out of ideas I’m dead
We will determine the true alpha of the Fab Four TOMORROW
George stans in shambles
I can sub in for George and make it a lil trio
I can sub in for George and make it a lil trio
I don’t wanna have to track votes beyond a 1 on 1 match I’m afraid, it’s a battle keeping track of everything in real time as it is
I fw Paul way more
Bruh you guys really ran out of ideas I’m dead
Found the George Stan
Paul wins
Beatles fans win
The funny thing is that they actually wrote disses to each other irl.
When How Do You Sleep gets played
I'm in
Probably team Paul but I can't imagine any solo Paul tearing my vote from #9 Dream.
Whats your top 5 John songs for me to peep?
Chronological order:
Jealous Guy
#9 Dream
I like his sad s*** tho